Slip and Fall Injury Attorney in Denver

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If you or a loved one has been injured due to someone elses negligence, contact us today.
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Slip and fall accidents leave profound, painful impacts that aren’t limited to physical injuries alone. This experience the victim suffers from may reshape their personal and professional lives in unwanted and unexpected ways.

With extensive experience in personal injury law, Conduit Law provides dedicated legal representation to those injured due to negligence in slip and fall incidents. We fight to get them compensated for their suffering and losses.

Common Causes of Slip and Fall Accidents

These accidents usually occur because of unsafe property conditions caused by the negligence of a liable party.

  • Wet or slippery floors without proper signage
  • Uneven or cracked sidewalks
  • Poor lighting in stairwells or walkways
  • Broken or missing handrails
  • Failure to remove snow or ice quickly

The location could be anywhere, for example, shopping malls, restaurants, bars, hotels, hospitals, nursing homes, retail or grocery stores, etc.

Legal Aspects Involved in Slip and Fall Cases

  1. Premises Liability Law

Slip and fall claims fall under premises liability law. This refers to a property owner’s legal responsibility for injuries that occur due to unsafe conditions on their property.

It includes:

  • maintaining the premises
  • repairing hazards
  • warning visitors of potential dangers

To prove negligence, your attorney has to show that the property owner knew about the hazard but failed to fix it within a reasonable time frame. In Colorado, property owners owe different levels of care to visitors based on their legal status on the property (invitee, licensee, or trespasser).

  1. Duties of Care

The law establishes three categories of visitors with different standards of care owed:

  • Trespassers: Property owners only owe a duty to not willfully or deliberately cause harm.
  • Licensees: Property owners must use reasonable care regarding known dangers and warn of hidden dangers.
  • Invitees: Property owners must use reasonable care to protect against dangers they knew about or should have known about.

The classification of a visitor is determined by the court as a matter of law.

  1. Determining Liability

Determining liability is critical. Parties that may be held responsible could be:

  • The property owner
  • The landlord or property manager
  • The business operator or tenant
  • Contractors or maintenance companies
  • Homeowners or condominium associations

Types of Injuries Resulting From Slip and Fall Accidents

Injuries from slip and fall mishaps could be life-altering.

  • Fractures, especially to wrists, hips, or ankles
  • Concussions or traumatic brain injuries (TBIs)
  • Spinal cord injuries ending in partial/complete paralysis
  • Soft tissue injuries
  • Cuts and abrasions

Even a minor slip can end up meaning towering medical costs and ongoing pain. Victims generally need extensive treatment, including surgeries, physical therapy, and rehabilitation.

The other side is the emotional and psychological effects:

  • Anxiety and fear of falling again
  • Depression from physical limitations or chronic pain
  • Loss of confidence and independence
  • Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD)
  • Social withdrawal and isolation

These emotional impacts can be just as debilitating as physical injuries, affecting victims’ quality of life, relationships, and ability to work.

Why Choose Conduit Law for Your Slip and Fall Case?

Conduit Law is dedicated to helping slip and fall victims secure compensation for their injuries. We make sure you’re heard and understood.

Our attorneys have a thorough, professional knowledge of premises liability laws and are committed to providing vigorous legal representation.

We have a proven track record of successful outcomes for clients, and we promise you:

  • thorough investigation of the accident
  • expert negotiation with insurance companies
  • aggressive litigation if a settlement cannot be reached

An experienced slip and fall injury attorney in Denver from Conduit Law will investigate your case to identify all liable parties.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

What should I do just after a slip and fall accident?

The first thing to do is get medical attention immediately, record your injuries, and take photos of where you fell and any hazardous conditions. This is key evidence.

Report the incident to the property owner or manager, but limit your communication. Do not give statements without your lawyer present.

Contact a slip and fall injury attorney in Denver to explore your legal options.

To build a strong slip and fall case, your attorney will further gather critical evidence, such as testimonies from witnesses and expert opinions on premises safety.

How long before I must file a slip and fall claim in Denver?

In Colorado, the statute of limitations for filing a slip and fall claim is generally two years from the date of the accident.

There are two exceptions:

  1. For wrongful death claims from a slip-and-fall, the two-year limit starts on the date of death, not the accident. Both can be different.
  2. For claims against a government entity, you will have to file a notice within 180 days of the accident.

What damages can I recover in a slip and fall case?

You may be entitled to compensation for:

  • medical expenses
  • lost wages
  • pain and suffering
  • future medical costs related to your injuries

In some cases, additional damages may be awarded for permanent disability or long-term care needs.

What happens when I’m partially at fault for the accident?

Colorado follows a comparative negligence rule. If you are partially responsible for an accident, you can still get compensation as long as your share of fault is less than 50%. However, your compensation will be reduced based on how much you were at fault.

Do I need a lawyer for my slip and fall case?

Yes. Slip and fall cases can be complex. You’ll need an experienced attorney to protect your rights, or you may harm your case without their legal expertise.

For example, your attorney will handle all communications with insurance companies on your behalf so you don’t say anything to jeopardize your claim or accidentally accept responsibility due to insurance company tactics.

Contact Conduit Law for a free consultation if you or a loved one has been injured in a slip and fall accident in Denver. Our experienced attorneys know how to read the complexities of your case and pursue damages in court if needed.

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